Samstag, 16. Januar 2016

Katie's selfish news

The more I play the piano the worse I get.

It's true.

I experienced it once already, when I learned from my first piano teacher. The more I focused on one piece, the more frustrated I got and my fingers wouldn't move at all after a time (or worse, they'd move too much).

Now I am still practicing every day of course, but I think last week I was at my best. I kind of climbed the mountain, went to the top, and instead of resting there, I just kept on walking which ended in walking down the mountain.


Should have just rested for a week or so, but no, I went to Piano Presto (see last entry) every single day for a whole hour.

I know, music instruments are all about practicing every single day for I don't know how many hours, but maybe it isn't the right thing for me?? I know my friends Eri (she is playing the oboe) and Akiko (piano) practice for 8 (!) hours every day and become better with each time, but I simply can't.

I actually wanted to go to Piano Presto again today, but I decided not to. Anyway, I have the piano lesson today so DON'T EXAGGERATE IT!

Have a yummy lunch instead :)

Ikura/Salmon-don from Don Mar's in Yotsuya. Only 500Yen! Delicious!

Or... 300Yen Soba from the Sankus... Now I'll say it officially: I do not like hot soba. Don't get me that one. Please buy the cold one instead. Thank you!

At least I could enjoy a red wine and PVs from Hairspray with it :) (Yes, I'm in the hot tub...)

What else is new:

I got contact lenses from Ella! She bought 100 dailies for only 6000Yen in Korea :) How great is that!

They come with four cases and two liquids for free! 

Also Ella, thank you for providing me with vitamins.

Every day at least one. Don't drink everything at once or you'll pee out the vitamins!

That's all so far... More news will follow soon.

At last I will show you a very nice song which is on TV all the time:

Takehara Pistols - Yo, soko no wakai no

Love it!

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